Justice Campaign
MAG has been asked by Bev Taylor to share the enclosed photo. If you can't see it, click on the link here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s807qdtg3jovfqu/Bev_Tayor_Lembit_Opik_CPS_meeting.jpg?dl=0
On Tuesday, MAG's Lembit Öpik, Director of Communications and Doug Smith, North Devon Rep, went to Exeter to support Bev in her meeting with the Crown Prosecution Service, regarding the death of her 19-year old son Greg who was killed by Niall Darvell while out on his bike with friends. The photo was taken at the BBC studios after the meeting where this report was recorded: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04pv3w0/spotlight-26112014
Darvell was driving a VW Golf which was not roadworthy. Darvell himself walked away without any custodial sentence despite having a history of drug and driving offences and not being insured; as well as driving away from the scene at speed – attempting to remove any evidence from his vehicle.
More details on the case here: http://www.torquayheraldexpress.co.uk/Driver-walks-free-causing-death-mortocyclist/story-23236188-detail/story.html
The CPS does not have a proper answer to what went wrong in this case, including Darvell's arrest by the police, and its handling of the family. The investigating officer didn't even mention in his report that Darvell left the scene, which is an instant 6-month jail sentence.
MAG is looking to take this case higher. Bev Taylor's MP Mel Stride has offered to help. It will take time and a lot of work to sort this case out. If anyone could offer any help in the research that will be needed, please get in touch.
This, and the case of Matthew Thompson are robust examples of what MAG is trying to change with its Justice campaign.
John Mitchell
National Chairman
Motorcycle Action Group
The Motorcycle Action Group Ltd (MAG) formed in 1973 is a civil rights organisation dedicated to influencing political decisions and social attitudes for the benefit of motorcycling and motorcyclists.
MAG is Registered in England as Company Number 8848806 and has its
Registered Office at Oakslade, Hatton, Warwickshire, CV35 7LH