Sissinghurst Castle Garden

This Sunday we had an early run to Sissinghurst to see what the gardens look like coming out of the winter. It was also a good opportunity to test the new Samsung pocket cameras and also the tea-rooms.

The latter passed with shining colours, the flapjack a little sugary and the coffee about right.  The WB30F camera needed a little messing about to get a panoramic picture to work, but the macro looks pretty good.

Pano Test Shot - back of shop and countryside

The Tower
The Tower picture was taken before the weather turned fr the worst and the rain and grey skies came about. The colour looks okay

The Gift Shop
The Gift Shop was taken a little later once it had rained and the sky was still grey and overcast.  The colours again look okay.

First close-up picture
Both the zoom test pictures were taken about 10 minutes apart, but with the weather changeable, the results are still quite. good.

The magnolia flowers were taken with the digital zoom active and pointing up towards the sky. The buds are about 15 feet from me. A bit washed out, but that maybe the light.

Zoom Test
 I have no idea what these will grow into!  They are in a corner in the White Garden. You can see from the size of the gravel that they are about the size of a goose egg, maybe four inches tall. Taken with the camera pointing down at about 45 degrees and maybe seven feet from the object.

Have no idea, but zoom test!
It was a bit early and after all the wet weather for the first ten weeks of the year, many of the paths were closed off as the ground was still very wet.

Castle Meadow


Trobairitz said…
The grounds of the castle must be beautiful in full bloom. Sure looks pretty in that last pic with the daffodils.

I think the camera will do exactly what you want it to.

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