10 February 2012


Colditz CastleColditz CastleColditz CastleColditz CastleColditz CastleColditz Castle
Colditz CastleColditz CastleColditz CastleColditz CastleColditz CastleColditz Castle
Colditz CastleColditz CastleColditz CastleColditz CastleColditz CastleColditz Castle
ColditzColditzColditzColditzColditz CastleColditz Castle

Colditz, a set on Flickr.

Much better now than it was when it was turned into a PoW Camp.

No need to climb out of the windows with knotted sheets, but if you want you can still impersonate a German.


Trobairitz said...

Thank you for feeding my architecture bug. I love photos of building, especially old historic ones.

I did have to google Colditz Castle though. Interesting history. I learned something. Thank you.

InvictaMoto said...

I have lots of sets from places we have been around in Europe.

Trobairitz said...

Now you're just teasing, lol