Summer here?

Today I'm off to see the Arsenal play at the Emirates against Manchester City.

Back in the olde days I had a brief flirtation with City. We had moved down to Surrey from Lancashire (You could in those days before the madness overtook the price of houses) and at the time City were doing quite well in League and Cups.

My first trip to Wembley was to see City beat West Brom in the League Cup. In the end the minor infatuation came to an end and I went back to being an Arsenal supporter full time. My Dad supported the Arsenal all his life.

I decided to let the train take the strain but the service (what service) from Sandling of on train an hour is disgusting. Instead I got on myu bike and rode to Ashford. A large and free motorcycle park is right in front of the station entrance. With the bike locked up it was all very painless.

I've left my jacket in one of the Zegas and my old helmet (not worth tempting fate!!) In the box.

On the subject of jacket. Today, "I are mostly wearing a vented jacket".

Let's hope is doesn't rain.

Paul Devall - sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


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