Getting ready for the trip

Today has been one of preparation.

Firstly, I had to take the bike across to the new BMW dealers, Coopers, in Tunbridge Wells to have the front pads changed. A job one used to do oneself, but no longer do. Too much ABS and whatever! They did the job quickly and not too wallet stretching.

Next it was into Maidstone to get to the Vodafone shop to get the email activated on my Blackberry. Time wasted as I couldn't find the shop! In the end I went to Ashford, where it was sorted in a few minutes.

I also had a dip into Marks and Spencer's to look at pyjamas. Staying in a "homestay" place on the Island prompted this. Decided £15 was too much for a glorified t-shirt and boxers!

Plan to leave about 1030 or so in the morning for the ride to St Helens to stay overnight with Steve H.
Paul Devall - sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


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