8 August 2024

What a total d**b**s!

We took  Molly the Motorhome to the dealers today to get the rear bumper fixed. It was a horrible journey down too many lanes where the road way was so narrow and lined with bushes banging against the mirror. 

In one place a semi fallen tree was overhanging the road and I had to drive on the wrong side of the road to avoid it. Luckily nothing coming the other way!

Once nearby the satnav indicated that we had arrived when in fact the site was 200 yards further up on the right.  The entrance was a little difficult to see and I overshot. Turning around at the end of the road I managed to reverse into a road sign!  F***!!!!

This bloody van is jinxed.  

This time the bumper cracked completely and fell off along with the rear light cluster leaving it dangling on the road.  Luckily, I suppose, that was the part of the repair it was in for!! 

But 😠!!!!!

It's supposed to be ready to collect on Saturday morning and I hope they have done a good job. It's not a cheap one at that! We have some money set aside for f*ck ups like this!

Claire drove up behind me in the Juke and so we were able to get home easily enough it the car. To save taking the car again, I am going to get the train. It's actually about 32 minutes from Sandling to Staplehurst on the train and Cathy from Invicta will pick me up.

Before I book my ticket on my Southeastern "The Key" Card I'll wait to hear from her tomorrow afternoon that the job is finished okay.

Coming back there is no way on earth I am using the same route as today. I will plan a main road route to avoid any more scratches on the left side panels and window.

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