30 August 2024

Out with Molly - Sissinghurst Castle Garden - August 30th 2024

As we were unable to go to Nelson's Patch (blog elsewhere) we decided to have a run out locally to give Molly the Moho some miles and have the engine running!  I am paranoid that the engine battery will drop too low and we'll have the dreaded air bag ECU failure.

Our visit today it to an old favourite at Sissinghurst Castle Garden.

We were up early and out before 9.30am. The estate opens at 10am and the house and gardens at 11am. There is parking for motorhomes and camper vans that can accommodate 7 vans. There is also a coach parking area that can take 3 or maybe 4 large coaches. We arrived first and parked backed into the fence with easy access for us, and to get out again.

Reggie was on the long lead as we went down to the café and found ourselves a table in the shade of an apple tree.  They look like cooking apples. Coming early means we get a parking place and a table.  It soon fills up.  It's the last Friday of the last weekend of the school summer holidays. YAY!

We had a coffee and a scone, then walked back to the van to get our phones! Both left on the dashboard shelf! DOH!

Then back and around he estate walk by the lakes.  It was quite pleasant. Claire went in to the gardens (Reggie not allowed) and I walked slowly back to the van to get the lunch stuff out ready for Claire.  We decided against a coffee or tea and so I didn't need to have the gas on. Despite temperatures not really much about 20 degrees C it was very warm in the van. maybe next time we must remember the fans.  We have two rechargeable fans that we took with us to Spain in May. I have also ordered a couple of "dash fans" that get a decent write-up to make sure we are pretty much give us options.  Hopefully they'll arrive before we go away next weekend to the Coffee and Campers event. Where we have to wild camp. I'll take the Bluetti!

So here are the photos from today. These taken on the Sony Cybershot.

Fantastic Day!

On the way home the odometer passed the 19000 mile mark.  In the seventeen months we have owned Molly we have done 12500 miles!  I managed 2400 on my bike in the same period!

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