23 August 2024

Hythe Venetian Fete - August 21st 2024

Yesterday as my second event working on the Guide Dogs UK stand was at the bi-annual Venetian Fete in Hythe.

The even usually starts around 4pm and goes on until around 10pm.  Local charities and organisations are given (they pay!) for a raft on the Royal Military Canal and the build a display on it. It's a sort of carnival on water!

This year Claire and I volunteered to work on the stand from 5.30pm until 7.30pm.  

It's a little disappointing to find that registered charities such as Guide Dogs and the Pilgrims Hospice had to pay for a small space to erect a marquee or gazebo. On top of that they were only allocated 2 wristbands to get people to work on the stands.  Anyone else was charged the £15 entry.  Scalping charitable organisations is pretty despicable.

Between stints in the gazebo to work on the tombola we had a look at what was going on along the canal.  Had I known then that my wristband cost £15 I might have got the charity's value for money and stayed until it all finished!

I did did a shed load of photographs of the "floats! and some of them are here.  

Would I go again? Probably not.

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