13 August 2024

"She only wants to play"?

So what do you do when walking along your own street, when someone else's dog runs after you grabs your dog round the neck?

Luckily that attacker was a Shar Pei bitch rather than the much larger male dog. 

Still a shock. I grabbed it by the scruff and it let go. More difficult than necessary as the ugly focker wasn't wearing a collar.

As the owner ran up with the usual bollocks of "she's friendly" and "she's only playing", Reggie got his own back retaliating with a quick nip to the ugly focker's neck.

Bloody funny idea of play to grab another dog/person around the neck!!!

Luckily no damage to either dog, just wet slobbery patches.

Not me though. Reggie ran behind me and over I went. Bruised elbow and grazed palm after hitting the pavement.

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