4 June 2024

MAG - Competitive Move on Motorcycling campaign will get creative

The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) asks riders to get creative in the general election campaign.  As well as providing a Move on Motorcycling template letter to get things moving, MAG is offering prizes for the most impactful and original approach to getting motorcycling issues into the political debate.

MAG is asking riders in the UK to get creative in their approach to placing motorcycling in the general election discourse.  The ‘Act Now’ page recently added to the MAG website offers a template letter for riders to use when asking candidates for their views on motorcycling issues.

The template letter is designed in a way that any rider can pick which issues are of most relevance to them as an individual, but still promote the overall Move on Motorcycling manifesto.  But MAG are stressing that letter writing is simply the first strand of a highly creative and varied approach to getting the country to Move on Motorcycling.

MAG is challenging riders to get creative, and relying on competitive spirit to create impact.  MAG is offering prizes for the individuals and groups who come up with the most original lobbying activity that gets motorcycling and politics coverage in the press and discussed by candidates.

MAG’s Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown, said: “The issues we want raised in political discourse are very serious, but we are bikers, and we know how to have fun.  We urge all riders get creative and inject some fun into the showbiz of the general election campaign.  We know most riders feel apathetic towards politics, and who can blame them?  But by taking a creative approach we can log a success for motorcycling whilst also having some fun.  MAG invented the concept
of partying with a purpose, and this is a natural extension of that ethos.  Bikers are voters: it’s time to bring some biker values to

Slow riding leaflet distribution, CBTs for first time voters, drag races to polling stations – we expect to see the best and most original political stunts coming from the biking community over the next few weeks.  Visit the Act Now page for full details of the competition and prizes.

Contact MAG at 01926 844 064 or central-office@mag-uk.org

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