4 September 2021

Kettle Club Ride Out to Rye

Today was the Kettle Club Ride Out to Rye that we organised on the Club Forum and on the Facebook page.  

I arrived about 1030 and there were a couple of Kettles already there, Over the next 90 minutes or so more arrived and we had ten altogether.

These ranged from a beautifully custom painted and lowered bike to some almost "as new" looking shiny tackle. I think mine wasn't the rattiest by far. Some with standard exhausts, some with Allspeeds of various generations and one with a Piper 3-1.

With the engine and the wheels done, there's money still to be spent.  Sadly, I didn't take any photographs.

The ride was around 25 miles each way and so we have racked up another 50 or so towards running in the engine. I left about 1255 to ride home and take Claire to her volunteering job with the local Guide Dogs team.

It was nice to meet so many owners and have a chinwag. Hopefully we can do the same again sometime.

I am also hoping that someone that took photos has posted them on the forum.

Photos courtesy of the Andrew Lambert and the Kettle Club Forum.

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