20 May 2014

Day 4 - Staying local

Damn this holiday is going fast! Onto day 4 already.

So today we were up pretty early and breakfasted. Then out to the office to thank them for sorting my suitcase.

Then we booked a harbour boat trip for Friday to go and see the dolphins.  We did see one last night at Ponce de Leon park.

Then we went and got some bikes for a trial ride up the harbor walkway to the centre of town.

Bit knackering.

Claire opted for a tricycle.

The statue is to Ponce de Léon who discovered Florida. It wasn't lost I don't suppose in reality. 

Of course we had the mandatory drink stop. With temps over 90 all day you need liquid.

We chose TT Tiki bar on the harbour between the two US41 bridges.

Then back to Fishernan's Village to have a wash before lunch.


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